NDIS Support Coordination

What is a Support Coordinator & what do we do?

We are referred to as Level 2 Support Coordinators.

We can source different supports/therapists for you, organise your service agreements with therapists, monitor service/therapy involvement and liaise with them to collate your plan review reporting. We will assist you in keeping track of your NDIS budget and work with you to ensure you are getting the most out of your funding.

We will also assist you in navigating some of the more complex issues within the NDIS. We will support you when your plan is up to renew. We will work with you on the goals and can be there on the call to help back you with some of the more intricate questions.

About Me

Skye Cribbes


Support Coordinator

Allied Health Assistant - Speech Pathology

Baby & Toddler Sleep Consultant - Specialising in ADHD