I WANT SUPPORT will help you through the NDIS navigation process and it’s all covered by your NDIS funding!

A NDIS Support Coordinator helps you understand and utilise your NDIS funding to best support your child’s needs.

We at I WANT SUPPORT aim to ease the burden on parents by delivering both expert advice and hands-on support, all whilst eliminating some of the painful admin/paperwork for parents.

We also connect you with recommended therapists and collate the required paperwork.

We advocate for you to the NDIS at plan review time or if you would like to submit a change of circumstances to request for additional funding.

We support YOU to build your knowledge, experience, and confidence in managing and coordinating your supports for your little one.


    As a dedicated and compassionate Support Coordinator and mother of two children on NDIS, I want to help you create the best NDIS plan & get the most funding possible to give you or your little loved one the best possible chance to thrive!

    I have a wealth of experience and study in this field and a profound commitment to enhancing the lives of children with a delay or disability and supporting their parents to make their journey easier and more fulfilling.

    Skye Cribbes - Founder & Support Coordinator

  • Feeling overwhelmed?

    We are here to help & support you

  • The first step is getting in contact with us, once we start working with you, you will feel an instant relief of stress.

  • Reach out to us today and we can change your journey!

About Me

My name is Skye, and I’m a mother to two amazing children who are both part of the NDIS program. I’ve been through the whole spectrum of experiences, from dealing with developmental delays and various diagnoses to applying for NDIS funding— and that was just the beginning.

Managing the emotional ups and downs of a diagnosis while setting goals for an NDIS plan can be incredibly overwhelming.

Since then, I’ve handled countless appointments, dealt with invoicing, and collected reports from therapists, sat through many plan reviews with NDIS.

I bring years of personal experience combined with extensive study in this sector. I understand just how challenging this journey can be, and now I’m here to assist other families through it.

That’s why I founded I WANT SUPPORT. Our mission is to offer the guidance and support you need, and we’d be excited to help you achieve your goals together!

“Anything is possible with the right support”.

Let’s work together

We are more powerful when we empower each other.